Thursday, May 01, 2008

This is a new project I'm taking on. Sorry for the blurryness of the pictures but my digicam finally gave out, so I'm using my blackberry as a temporary camera. I have so many projects going on. But this is my main priority right now. I had a crazy idea(s) that might just work, so I'm experimenting with that right now.

I cut the face in half, and inserted some gadgetry.

Here's a close up, I know it's blurry, but basically, there's a wire, and a light with some small batteries crazy glued to the neck... no it's not a bomb.

I crazy glued some clear marble for the eyes on the front half of the face, but on the inside of it.

This is the front of the face, don't worry, It will not look this scary once it's done.

This is it, with it's face temporarily back in place, just for now, until I figure out a solution of how to attach the face back on without making it permanent, and allowing it to be painted.

1 comment:

olmosramiro said...

Don't click there, this asshole posted Spam. I've reported it, and am leaving the comment as evidence.