Wednesday, May 20, 2009

That's from my first game I programmed for independent release by me. I've done some programming gigs here and there for some clients, but had not done anything for my own endeavours.It's based on the fast pace these social networking sites come by and dissappear, and how addictive it is to gain as many friends, followers, etc, and let them know everything about your life. 15 seconds of fame, is literally how long web fame lasts. Anyways, you can check out the game at the following link:

Tweeter Snake

Me on CBS like two weeks ago or something! News coverage of the Dear Mr. President project did.

Fun Facts about this picture:

1.Me without a hat, reason, We were waiting for the news people to finish so we could attend an afterparty at some fancy hotel, so I had to dress fancy.

2.I had to hide my Diet Coke can, I usually have a couple behind the monitor. I'm trying to save the world, by recycling cans.

3.I had to hide my ipod. My ipod is always connected. When I don't forget it.

4.I don't have earphones on, I always have them on....

5. I silkscreened my own dragon design on that shirt, thought it's blurry in the image.

6.There's two monitors on my desk. Only one is plugged, been lazy to buy the adapter to hook the other one up, though I work on two monitors at home.

7.You can see Lisa's and Haruko's heads in the background

8.The dude standing next to me is the company's CEO, and the girl in the black and white poster behind him is his daughter. She's the voice of kidthing heard on the current video on the homepage of the website.

9.I cleaned my desk, but somehow it always looks messy regardless.
10.I never use the mouse under the monitor.

11.I no longer work on that computer, I've changed computers 3 times since then, due to a wonky FONT making me believe the computers were defective.

12.We were supposed to leave the office at 4:30pm. The time of this footage is roughly 6:30pm. We were all off the clock pretending to work.

13. I was making stuff up, and was really stiff and nervous....

14.That's not Lisa's artwork on the screen, I at one point said, "I have to make it look cool".

15.There's a screaming slingshot monkey that has a "Hire Me" pin button that kinda blends with my hair in this particular shot.

16. The group of papers on the wall to the right of the huge red ribbon above my head, are sketches of Nicholas Night as the Lorax, that we all drew.

17. I actually didn't want to appear.

18. Lisa was ducking the entire time to come out, but she still managed to.

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